Publication Committee

General Information

According to article 5f of the ESPGHAN Constitution, the Joint Publication Committee is a joint committee with NASPGHAN.
It includes the Past President, the President, the Executive Treasurer and the Editor of each organisation and is co-chaired by the two Past Presidents. It meets once a year on the occasion of the JPGN strategy day.
The ESPGHAN Publication Committee consists of four members: immediate Past President,  President, Treasurer, and JPGN Editor.
It meets at least once a year during the ESPGHAN Annual Meeting together with a representative from the Publisher, and the NASPGHAN Editor if available.

Its function is to:
a) Define JPGN editorial policy in collaboration with the NASPGHAN publication committee
b) Define JPGN strategy in collaboration with the NASPGHAN publication committee
c) Approve the financial report from the ESPGHAN JPGN Editorial Office
d) Maintain relations with counterparts in the NASPGHAN Publication Committee
e) Maintain relations with the Publisher
f) Oversee the selection process and propose the name of the new Editor to the Council
g) Oversee the renewal of the JPGN publisher contract in collaboration with the NASPGHAN publication committee, and present its recommendation to the ESPGHAN Council for approval

Projects & Activities: to view all recent activities by the committee, you can download the annual committee report here.